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The DNA Store - the largest selection of DNA products

Welcome to The DNA Store. The only place in the world that assembles DNA products under one 'cell'. Most of our items are manufactured only for us and by us. We maintain a pride in fast service, honest pricing and unique products. If you have any questions, our phone number is at the very bottom of every page or you can contact us by email at Feel free to look around - go the the word "shop" on the menu above and choose an area to view

Privacy Information

We guaranty privacy in all respects. We do not sell email addresses, nor names or anything similar. We do not want to - we respect your privacy. No one here knows how to do that even if we wanted.

We do not maintain credit cards numbers either. If you have placed an order and then did a second order, you will have to enter your credit card numbers again. That is done completely by computers and we never see the numbers.

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